Tag Archives: judge

My Judgmental Confession

A good friend of mine gave me a very unique gift.  I was leaving my job of 13 years to go to a new one, a very exciting and very stressful time. This friend is always so empathetic and understanding. I admire him tremendously.

I had given him the book “The Giving Tree” when he was going through a journey of the unknown in his life. This book represents him tremendously, always giving of himself to others.  Well, thankfully and wonderfully, he came through his journey of the unknown.  And, upon his return he shared with me what he had done with the book.  He had colored in and decorated each page.  My response at the time? I actually don’t recall if I shared it out loud or just thought it. But, I do remember it’s content.  My focus was “that book is supposed to be black-and-white”.

Now, as is my friend’s nature, he gives again. As I opened my going away/congratulations on your new job gift, tears very quickly welled up in my eyes.  What was before me? A framed picture. But, not just any picture. Before me, in my hand, was the last page of The Giving Tree, colored in and decorated by my friend. The depth of its meaning and its strength moved me tremendously.    That was over a year ago. The picture is displayed on my desk, right next to my computer monitor. I look at it often, and think about the. many lessons learned from my friend.

As I recently began my one word journey to understand, I continue to revisit and think about past experiences, such as this one. My first response to my friend sharing what he had done with the book I had given to him really was judgmental and lacked understanding.  Looking back at it now, I’m actually embarrassed at how close-minded I was about understanding how my friend experienced my gift. How dare I corral his experience into my lens and worldview. But, that was my lack of understanding and open-mindedness.  Thus, the journey before me. I work each day to understand what is before me, what another is expressing to me in their words, in their understanding, in their experience.

Until next time ,
