The Magnifying Glass Effect


I would like to talk about something I refer to as the magnifying glass effect, or the flashlight effect. As we focus on one specific small area, such as with a magnifying glass or flashlight, we see that area very clearly, however lose sight of the area around it. Seeing something very clearly up close is very important, and helps us to understand it better. In doing so, though, we are eclipsing the surrounding environment and information. We actually aren’t able to see the entire picture accurately .

This reminds me of the camping trip I took this past summer. It was the middle of the night, and I needed to walk to the restrooms. At first, I used a flashlight. But, somehow it seemed inadequate. I could only see what was right in front of me, and nothing more. Everything else around it was dark. I found myself wanting to see a much larger area, like to the sides of me and much further in front of me. Interestingly enough, when I turned the flashlight off, I was able to see much more. I could see all around me. My Savior? The full bright moon illuminating my way. I found this experience to be symbolic. I am a big picture kind of person, that is my orientation. So, the magnifying glass or flashlight effect I see as missing the bigger picture.

But, as I am reflecting on this now, I am thinking about this differently. Perhaps a more focused look at things could help me better understand that specific thing, situation, perspective. And, conversely, perhaps looking for the bigger picture has left me “filling in the gaps”, as in taking guesses, making assumptions. In my one word journey, my quest to understand, perhaps focusing will help me to better understand all of the parts of the whole. So, the magnifying glass or flashlight effect can help me to these means. A focus on the smaller individual parts of the whole can help me to truly understand. Figuring out the whole landscape is best done piece by piece, not all at once.

Until next time,


Make It So




I recently got a DVR, and in doing so rediscovered Star Trek The Next  Generation. This was a favorite of mine when it was originally out back in the 1990s. So, I have been infusing myself with this show. It’s pretty cool, too, because you can fast-forward through all the ads. So about 40 minutes for an episode is a pretty good time investment that I can do. 

On my drive in today, I found myself myself reviewing in my head what I had seen over the weekend on Star Trek. I kept going back to their very mission; exploring the world and learning.  My internal monologue took over and made an announcement: How very lucky and how very unrealistic that their focus, their goal, their life is to just explore and learn. Who gets opportunities like that, and where are these opportunities? 

I sat with this question for a very short while.  Then, it came to me. I can create a life of exploration and learning. It’s about how I view the world and walk through the world. It’s what I bring to the table. It’s what I make of and do with my life. It’s about maintaining a sense of curiosity and energy around understanding.  Here I am, back at my one word, yet again. Understand.  I remind myself again, understand is a verb. It is an action word. And the action? The action comes from me, it is my responsibility.  It is for me to come to understand; to learn more about everything around me.  I in fact have the ability to explore and learn, to understand, if I so choose.  And, I so choose. I have the power to, as Captain Picard says, make it so. 

Until next time,
