Make It So




I recently got a DVR, and in doing so rediscovered Star Trek The Next  Generation. This was a favorite of mine when it was originally out back in the 1990s. So, I have been infusing myself with this show. It’s pretty cool, too, because you can fast-forward through all the ads. So about 40 minutes for an episode is a pretty good time investment that I can do. 

On my drive in today, I found myself myself reviewing in my head what I had seen over the weekend on Star Trek. I kept going back to their very mission; exploring the world and learning.  My internal monologue took over and made an announcement: How very lucky and how very unrealistic that their focus, their goal, their life is to just explore and learn. Who gets opportunities like that, and where are these opportunities? 

I sat with this question for a very short while.  Then, it came to me. I can create a life of exploration and learning. It’s about how I view the world and walk through the world. It’s what I bring to the table. It’s what I make of and do with my life. It’s about maintaining a sense of curiosity and energy around understanding.  Here I am, back at my one word, yet again. Understand.  I remind myself again, understand is a verb. It is an action word. And the action? The action comes from me, it is my responsibility.  It is for me to come to understand; to learn more about everything around me.  I in fact have the ability to explore and learn, to understand, if I so choose.  And, I so choose. I have the power to, as Captain Picard says, make it so. 

Until next time,


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